Monday, February 1, 2016

Quiet morning

I am up, have gotten rid of my bed head and am listening to the waves on the beach. Molly and Lib have not yet emerged for breakfast, so I have a few minutes to write. I was re-reading my post from last night. I am struck by how difficult it is to express my feelings about what we have witnessed and felt over the past week. Coming to Senegal I already had a deep understanding of the nature of Tostan's programs and approach and I already understood the profound transformation that individuals, villages and village regions were experiencing and I already felt like I had found a "home" with alignment of values, philosophy, and strategy and a sense of friendship and even family with the staff I had met. I could not have anticipated that there was deeper to go and greater connection to be had.

And...we're off again. I have to sign off. We are going to the Tostan Training Center in Thies and to meet with the staff from the Senegal national office. Then onto a nearby village.

It is now 11:00pm and I am so very tired. I am hoping to sleep deeply. I think all that we had done and learned is catching up with me. This is the last night I will (try to) sleep in Senegal. Tomorrow is our last day and we head to the airport at 10:00pm. It looks like I will be filling in the gaps about this journey once I am home. There is so much to share.



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